Gourab Dastider
Hello to the curious reader I have the honor of greeting! My name is Gourab Dastider and I am a Computer Engineering major at UC San Diego. My passion is to implement hardware and software products to solve everyday problems in our world.
Other than being a technology buff, I am an avid fan of the NFL, NBA, and Formula 1 racing. I absolutely love playing basketball and enjoy taking the occasional leisure drive.
My Journey to Computer Engineering
It has been a tumultuous path to where I am today, but I feel as though my pitfalls and challenges while learning and working with programming languages have made me a stronger problem solver and programmer.
- My First App
I began my journey by tinkering with Raspberry Pi’s and very basic python commands in middle school, but at this point software engineering seemed as a mere hobby rather than my career path. The extent of my programming skill at this point was:
if isHuman:
print("Hello Human")
I went on to take classes in high school that taught me the basics of Objected-Oriented programming and introduced me Vanilla Javascript and to Java. With these newly acquired skills I was finally able to create basic apps. Linked above is my first ever app “complex” app. Looking at it now, it gives me a chance to reflect and see how much you can grow as a developer.
- Computer Theory and University Projects
The Computer Engineering program at UC San Diego has taught me a breadth of disciplines I never envision myself learning about as a technology enthusiast. Never had I imagined learning advanced physics along side other forms of complex math to become a programmer. Courses have taught me the basics and even advanced levels of Java, C++, C, ARM Assembly, AutoCAD, MATLAB, Docker, Javascript, and CSS among many others.
All have these technologies have applications much beyond my comprehension, but I will always remember the words of my first computer science professor:
We learn about all these languages for what exactly? Not for our own sake, but in hopes to solve a problem. As programmers we are looking to use our technological knowledge to be problem solvers.
My collegiate level projects definitely reflected this point of view. My intentions with these projects were to enhance the everyday lives of my end consumer. You can learn more about these projects below:
- Diving into Industry
I have been privileged to have had the chance to work for two companies in the summers following high school:
- ARC Document Solutions (2018)
- ARC Document Solutions (2019)
These job experiences introduced me to the worlds of frontend and backend engineering along with topics such as Machine Learning and Beta Testing. Moreover, I had the chance to see the inner workings of a well established company as well as a fast-paced startup looking to be the next trailblazer in the education market.
- Where am I now?
At the moment, I am entering my final year here at UCSD and am looking to gain as much experience as possible before going into industry. I have planned many project based courses as well as specialized classes in my topics of interest such as Machine Learning, Computer Vision, and data analytics.
Slowly but surely making progress for my career plans:
- Graduate High School
- Make it to College in a technology field
- Create some fun projects to show what you have learned
- Graduate University
- Work for companies that are revolutionizing human lives with technology
- Graduate School
- Build your own product or business that solves an everyday problem
- Establish a legacy as a kind, helpful, and hardworking individual :+1:
Quite a tall order to complete, but I believe my steadfast passion for technology will fuel my motivation to achieve my goals.
Congratulations you made it!
Thanks for reading through my page! If you would like to contact me I have below my email as well as my LinkedIn.
Email: gd95148@gmail.com
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gourab-/